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open graded中文是什么意思

用"open graded"造句"open graded"怎么读"open graded" in a sentence


  • 松级配的


  • Open graded friction course ogfc
  • Under the market economy condition , the environment of economic development is a comprehensive response of social civilization level opening grade and regional competitive force of an area
  • Bu ' s eight - member team won six other awards : female open grade champion , female ? 57kg grade second runner - up , male ? 81kg grade first runner - up , male ? 81kg grade second runner - up , male ? 66kg grade second runner - up and male ? 66kg grade second runner - up ( two second runners - up )
    浸大八名参赛同学在赛事中,还夺得六项奖项:女子公开组冠军、女子- 57公斤季军、男子- 81公斤亚军、男子- 81公斤季军、男子- 66公斤季军、男子- 66公斤季军(双季军) 。
  • Open graded friction courses ( ogfc ) is a kind of open graded porous asphalt mix designed to drain water on the road face when raining . it has good performance on draining , anti - slide and noise reducing . it is common used in foreign countries from 1980s , while the lack in china because its poor mechanics performance , due to the high pore rate , cannot fit for the heavy traffic load in china
    开级配沥青磨耗层( ogfc )是一种具有相互连通空隙的开级配混合料,具有优良的排水、防滑、降噪等功能,然而该种混合料空隙率达15以上,沥青用量低,混合料的耐久性和强度会产生一定影响,由于我国高速公路重载、超载严重,按国外设计方法设计的ogfc混合料难以满足路用性能的要求,因此, ogfc在我国高等级公路建设中一直没有得到推行。
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